Does the fact that evolution makes no reference to God make evolution atheistic?

The short answer

No. It makes it neutral toward the existence of God.

The longer answer

While it is true that evolution makes no reference to any god, this makes evolution neutral rather than hostile to the hypothesis that there is a god. In the same way, the fact that modern medicine teaches that blood is pumped mechanically by the heart rather than moved around by a god’s supernatural powers does not mean that modern medicine is atheistic.

Of course, it is understandable that some people would find even the neutrality of evolution threatening, since the general belief before Darwin was that the history of life showed the hand of a creator; even though the evolutionary history of life hardly demonstrates that there is no god, it does at least undermine the biological argument from design, and it can be very disconcerting when a favorite theological argument is undone by science. Those who believe in a god, however, should look to the example of the Copernican revolution for instruction on how to deal with scientific developments: although the realization that the Earth orbits the Sun deeply shook the religious orthodoxy of the time, religion eventually adapted so well to this revolution that the average believer no longer can understand why anyone ever should have found heliocentrism threatening to religion.